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Wedding Guidelines
We, the congregation of Green Lake Church, are happy to make our house of worship available to you for your wedding.
A marriage conducted in a church is a sacred ceremony. It is a Christian worship service where all present praise God and invoke His presence in the ceremony and blessing on the marriage. It is a time when the bride and groom pledge their love to each other and invite Christ to be a member of their home. It is also a time when married couples can reaffirm their wedding vows and, along with the other guests, reflect on the sanctity of marriage.
The wedding service is an act of worship and should express praise and thanksgiving to God. The service should be carefully and thoughtfully planned to assure the dignity, beauty, and sanctity of a Christian worship service celebrated in God’s house. In order to help achieve this goal, we have adopted the following guidelines:
- All wedding requests should be submitted to the Office Administrator for availability of your wedding date.
- One of our Ceremony Coordinators will be assigned to your wedding, and she will be the liaison between the church and the wedding party.
- All questions pertaining to the use of the church should be directed to your Ceremony Coordinator or to the church secretary at the phone number above.
- Those who officiate at a wedding are requested to contact your Ceremony Coordinator.
- Saturday weddings – The church is available for weddings on Saturdays after three o’clock. Allow adequate time for decoration and photography. There is no admittance to the church before 3:00 p.m. for these activities.
- Sunday weddings – The church is available afternoons only. Entry for decoration and photography is at 1:30 p.m.
- Church policy excludes alcoholic beverages and smoking on the premises.
Decoration Simplicity is the soul of beauty in the wedding service and is expressive of reverence and purity. The general styles and plans will be approved by the assigned Ceremony Coordinator. Flowers and other decorations shall be furnished by the wedding party.
Candelabra and candles are available at the church for a fee. The church has brass candelabra with mechanical candles: two 7-branch and one 15-branch. The church holds the policy that only mechanical or dripless candles are to be used in the sanctuary. Unity candles may be provided by the wedding party. A unity candle stand is available to rent for a small fee, with or without candles. Candle flames should be extinguished using candle snuffers to prevent blowing of wax onto surrounding surfaces.
Communion tray and goblet to be provided by the wedding party.
Furniture in the sanctuary is not to be moved without the assistance of the Ceremony Coordinator. Please do not move the furniture without this person present.
There are to be no flower arrangements or decorations placed on the musical instruments. Silk flower petals may be scattered on the center aisle. If real flower petals are used, then an aisle runner must be used to protect the carpet. Thumbtacks and nails are prohibited anywhere in the building.
Music The Minister of Music of Green Lake Church is on contract to play the organ/piano for all weddings held at the Green Lake Church. If you wish to use the services of the church organist, those arrangements must be made no later than 60 days prior to the ceremony. The services of another organist/pianist may be used only with the permission of the Minister of Music and only after the guest organist has consulted with him/her. The Office Administrator can supply you with the Minister of Music’s phone number. The Minister of Music is available to arrange for up to three musical groups/musicians to play for your wedding. There is a $50 fee for these services; payment to the musicians is the responsibility of the wedding party. Sound System One of our trained audio technicians will operate the sound system during the wedding ceremony. The sound system is equipped to make audio recordings of the service and can be done at the bride/groom’s request.
The Green Lake Church does not use audio feedback boxes for any singers and only microphones and equipment owned by the Green Lake Church will be used for the ceremony.
To Secure the Wedding Date Secure an application from the Office Administrator and mail application to: Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists 6350 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103-5416
With your application, please include your check for the deposit in the amount of $500. Make check payable to the Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists. If you wish to pay the full amount, please do so.
When your application is approved and the deposit is received, the date will be finalized on the church calendar, and a Ceremony Coordinator will be assigned to your wedding.
Arrange for an interview with the Ceremony Coordinator well in advance of the wedding date. Three months is suggested. There are usually two consultations with the Ceremony Coordinator.
Payment The $500 deposit should be made with the application in order to secure the date requested. The remainder is due one month prior to the wedding.
Refunds will be made provided notice of reservation cancellation is made two months ahead of time. A fee of $25.00 will be withheld for consultation.
Make all checks payable to the Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists.
Invitation: Please mail or fax (206-522-7980) a photocopy of your invitation to the church office before you mail the invitations to your guests.
Responsibilities of the Bride and Groom ⇒ Reserve the church. ⇒ Return application to the Office Administrator (address listed above) for approval. ⇒ Arrange for meeting with Ceremony Coordinator. ⇒ Arrange for the services of the Minister of Music, pastor, florist, photographer, and videographer. ⇒ Arrange through the Coordinator for a time when items such as flowers, cake, etc. can be delivered. ⇒ Arrange the rehearsal time with the Coordinator. ⇒ Secure your wedding license early and give to the pastor or Ceremony Coordinator prior to the ceremony.
Use and Care of the Church The chancel furniture may be removed only under the supervision of the Ceremony Coordinator. Please do not use nails, screws, or thumbtacks in decorating.
Please do not use rice, birdseed, or confetti, or any similar substance on the church premises. Only light colored rose petals may be used because dark colors stain the carpet and aisle runner. Dark-colored silk rose petals are acceptable.
Church policy excludes alcoholic beverages and smoking on the church premises.
Breakage of equipment or building damage is the financial responsibility of the person reserving the church facilities. Payment for repair of all such damage is a condition of building use.
General Information
- The church capacity is 350 people.
- The communion table measures 23″ × 58″
- The length of the aisle is 52 feet 3 inches
- The church has 34 pews on the main floor; 17 on each side.
- There are 11 windowsills in the sanctuary and 3 windowsills in the narthex.
- Platform dimensions, not including stairs: Width, 26 feet 5 inches Length, 14 feet 2 inches Height 23 inches
- Candelabra available: two 7-branch one 15-branch (mechanical candles are provided for above)
Special Needs Special needs not covered by these guidelines may be worked out by consulting with the Ceremony Coordinator. If necessary, they will be submitted to the Church Board for action. Please allow six weeks for special requests to be processed.
We hope that your wedding will always be remembered with joy, and that the blessing of God will rest upon your plans.