Care packages of nonperishable food and hygiene items distributed to Seattle’s homeless population at freeway off-ramps. Donations can be contributed to the collection box near the elevator on the main level of the church.
How YOU Can Help
Donate Money
A donation of any dollar amount is welcome. Even one dollar can buy hand sanitizer for three packages! That’s THREE people who can have clean hands!
We would like to have a stockpile of care packages available for church members who would like to pass them out. Each package costs up to $15, so you might like to sponsor a specific number of packages.
Donate Supplies
See our list of items below. We do ask that all donations are miniature sizes so that we can fit it all into gallon Ziploc® bags. Dollar stores, drugstores, and discount stores are good resources for these items.
Some items can be assembled from things you already have, such as mini sewing kits and first-aid kits, new sets of shampoo and conditioner from a hotel stay, or mini toothpaste and floss from your dentist.
Donate Time
Let us know if you would like to help assemble the packages.
Shopping. If you see a good deal on anything from the supply list below, don’t hesitate to let us know.
Of course, you’re welcome to print our supply list and make your own packages!
There is usually a little space left in the top of the packages; you are welcome to tuck in additional items you think might be useful. A few suggestions:
- Extra food items
- A baggie of feminine supplies for women
- Many homeless people have animals dependent on them, so a baggie of pet food or treats would be appreciated
- A small baggie of kids’ toys (from the dollar store or party store) would be nice for people with children
- The old tuck-dollar-bills-into-the-Bible trick
Just be sure not to add anything that will melt in summer or pop open.
- Older kids can help assemble packages.
- Kids of all ages can help by making cards, drawing pictures, or writing poems or stories to tuck into the packages.
Care Package Checklist
- Pocket Bible
- Floss or Flossers
- Toothbrush
- Mini Toothpaste
- Razor
- Soap
- Comb
- Food Items
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- First-aid Kit
- Sewing Kit
- Emergency Blanket
- Hand Sanitizer
- Small Plastic Water Bottle or Hat and Mittens, depending on the season
- Wet Wipes
- Tissues
- Flashlight
- 1-gal Ziploc Bag